At La Maison del Cabello we bring you this TOP ESSENTIAL DELUXE Hair System, made with Premium Remy Natural Hair....
This type of hair is straight and is characterised by having a greater thickness and resistance than other hairs. The construction of the base combines monofilament so you can move the parting to your liking, fine lines of hair in the contour and the front of skin effect material that allows you to apply adhesive to hold it in place if you need it, plus this front is more durable and resistant. The style of the cut in the fringe area is slightly frayed.Top Essential Deluxe is indicated for cases of lack of hair, density and alopecia in advanced stages, although it can also be used for aesthetic reasons if you wish to fill in your mane with more hair, in a quick way as it can be placed using the clips that are incorporated, and if you wish to wear it in a fixed way, consult our professionals.
Remember to wash it and take care of it with the specific products for Natural Hair that you can find on our website, to make sure you keep it in good condition, with loose and hydrated hair for a long time.